The Redesigning Deathcare Conference 2022 invites you to reimagine the future of dying and death.

Join us in Melbourne & online October 27-29 2022.

Organised by the DeathTech Research Team.

An Australian country cemetery

Redesigning Deathcare aims to bridge the divide between research and practice at the end of life and death, through dynamic conversations about the challenges facing deathcare and how to build a better system.

The conference is open to all: artists, academics, deathcare and healthcare professionals, government, community groups, NGOs, journalists, and more. Redesigning Deathcare will host contributions in multiple formats: presentations, posters, roundtables, keynotes, academic/industry networking sessions, artistic showcases and site visits.


Keynote Speakers

  • Ruth Toulson

  • Caitlin Doughty

  • Annie Louey

Join us in Melbourne & Online


We welcome you to join us at the Arts West Building, The University of Melbourne Parkville Campus.

The conference will take a hybrid format, with in-person and online presentations.


Redesigning Deathcare is hosted by the DeathTech Research Team.

Conference Organisers would like to acknowledge the support of the University of Melbourne, the Australian Research Council  (ARC), and the Greater Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust for their support as Linkage research partners in the Linkage Funding Scheme (LP180100757).

Conference Sponsors


Join us to #redesigndeathcare